Graston Technique

Posted by admin in Dr. Dean's Wellness Blog

Graston Technique – Soft Tissue Injury Treatment

For soft tissue injuries that are acute, or chronic, that have or could result in a build-up of scar tissue and fascial restrictions, Graston Technique is one of the modalities used at motion Chiropractic that has had very successful outcomes.

Soft tissue injuries often result in scar tissue, pain, and reduced range of motion.  For athletes in particular, this can mean compromised performance, or lengthy time spent on the disabled list.  Graston Technique is an instrument assisted treatment that can detect major and minor fibrotic changes in soft tissue, break down scar tissue, and fascial restrictions.  The results are: decreased time of treatment, faster rehabilitation, reduced need for anti-inflammatory medications, and resolution for injuries thought to be permanent.

Specially designed stainless steel instruments are used to detect and treat areas of adhesions and inflammation.  These instruments break down scar tissue and correctly realign soft tissue fibres for optimal healing.  While some people report minor discomfort during treatment and some surface bruising can result, most find significant relief in a very short time, increased range of motion, and an ability to return to physical activities much sooner than with other treatments.

Doctors utilizing Graston Instruments and Technique must be certified.  Graston is utilized by more than 16 thousand clinicians, hundreds of elite athletes as well as professional and amateur sports organizations.  For a complete list of published research on Graston Technique see:

At motion Chiropractic, I often use Graston Technique in combination with ART (Active Release Technique .  I’ve been impressed with the outcomes of this combination for my patients.

No two injuries are exactly alike.  Having several modalities to choose from allows me to customize individual treatment plans and rehabilitation.  I’m pleased to include Graston Technique in my inventory of available treatments.