Why Chiropractic?

Posted by admin in Dr. Dean's Wellness Blog

With the vast array of health care options, some might wonder if and when they should see a Chiropractor.

To answer that question, let’s begin by looking at the variety of issues I treat within my practice.  As a Chiropractor I focus on the neuromusculoskeletal  (NMS) system.  Now there’s a word for the Spelling Bee!  “Could you use that in a sentence Dr. Dean?”  I could, but I’m not sure that would give you a better understanding!   A neuromusculoskeletal specialist (meaning Chiropractor) treats skeletal and muscle injuries/issues, which are also connected and controlled via the nervous system.   Does that help?   In other words, many of the injuries that I see involve the back.  This is the classic association that people have with chiropractors, and for good reason, there are many studies through insurance companies and workers compensation that show the efficacy of chiropractic care for back injuries.  The following link is just one example of this type of research, which was published by Work Safe in BC.

A randomized clinical trial was conducted in the Non-operative Orthopaedic Spine Program at Vancouver General Hospital to explore whether patients have better outcomes when they receive guidelines-based treatment that includes a component of spinal manipulative therapy administered by chiropractors, compared with family physician-directed usual care.”

For KEY FINDINGS see link below:


The back, however, is not the only musculoskeletal area that chiropractors care for.  At my clinic, motion Chiropractic, extremity injuries such as, shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, feet and ankles are also often treated.   Common health issues that Chiropractors see regularly are headaches and migraines, as well as dizziness, stress and sleep disorders.   As a Chiropractor I focus on using classic chiropractic adjusting techniques, soft tissue modalities, supports, nutrition, and rehabilitative exercises to help strengthen and support your entire body.  I believe that it’s this combination of treatment that sets Doctors of Chiropractic, DC, apart from other health professionals, but more importantly, personalized treatment plans help my patients to recover faster, function better, and enjoy life to the fullest.

Chiropractic care is ideal for correcting, maintaining, and optimizing structural health issues.  Chiropractic care is a drug free way of addressing the root cause of your health problem, rather than just treating symptoms and masking pain.  Chiropractic care is a way to keep motion in your life, and therefore, life in your motion!!

Dr. Nathan Dean